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Privacy Overview

Within the Epilepsy12 project we take the privacy of patients and our duty of confidentiality very seriously. We have complied with all relevant legislation and moral and ethical codes to support the project.

National Data Opt Out Implementation (England only)

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, having considered the advice from the Health Research Authority Confidentiality Advisory Group, have granted Epilepsy12 an exemption to the National Data Opt-Out (NDO). Epilepsy12 were granted this exemption because applying the National Opt-Out would introduce biases to the data and make it difficult to monitor care safety and quality at Trust level, risking quality of care and patient safety.

This means that healthcare providers in England no longer need to screen patients against the opt-out list prior to entering their data into Epilepsy12.

Patients can still opt out of Epilepsy12 by contacting their Epilepsy clinical team

Withdrawal of consent can be indicated in the audit detail submission for that patient, and the record will be deleted. Please take a look at the clinician user guide for more information on this.

Withdrawal of consent can be indicated in the audit detail submission for that patient, and the record will be deleted. Please take a look at the clinician user guide for more information on this.

Privacy Notice

The Privacy Notice for the Epilepsy12 Project is viewable or downloadable from the Privacy Notice page

Data Protection Impact Assessment

Our Data Protection Impact Assessment is viewable or downloadable from the DPIA page