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KPIs and Quality Improvement

10 key performance indicators

  1. Paediatrician with expertise in epilepsies
  2. Epilepsy specialist nurse
  3. a. Tertiary input b. Epilepsy surgery referral
  4. ECG
  5. MRI brain
  6. Assessment of mental health issues
  7. Mental health support
  8. Sodium valproate
  9. a. Care planning agreement b. Care planning content
  10. School individual health care plan

Quality Improvement

Epilepsy12 engaged with relevant stakeholders to identify priority areas of care and agree five Health Improvement Goals to align with these.

  1. Increase the proportion of children receiving input from an epilepsy specialist nurse by 5% per year; from 76% in Cohort 3 to 91% in Cohort 6.
  2. For children with complex epilepsy, increase the proportion receiving input from a tertiary specialist by 5% per year; from 69% in Cohort 3 to 84% in Cohort 6.
  3. Increase the proportion of children receiving all core elements of care planning by 5% per year; from 75% in Cohort 3 to 90% in Cohort 6.
  4. Increase the proportion of Health Boards and Trusts using structured transition resources by 5% per year; from 62% in Cohort 3 to 77% in Cohort 6.
  5. Increase the number of Health Boards and Trusts screening children with epilepsy for mental health disorders by 5% per year; from 19% in Cohort 3 to 34% in Cohort 6.

Epilepsy12 collaborated with QI experts when designing the improvement goals and strategies. We will continue to receive their input when delivering these strategies and seek guidance on how we can embed Epilepsy12's evaluation and learning to improve the plan and explore avenues of collaboration wth NHS, HQIP, and other improvement programmes.

You can find out more about our quality improvement plans for 2022-25 in our Quality Improvement Strategy.