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Factories and Fixtures

Pytest and FactoryBoy factories and fixtures enable DRY code, allowing similar object instances to be defined once, and shared many times across the test directory, enabling faster and more consistent test-driven development.

For example, many of the tests rely on the creation of a fully-completed audit, which is comprised of the following:

  1. Case model with linked Organisation(s), through the Site conduit model

  2. Linked Registration model

    1. Linked AuditProgress model
    2. Linked KPI model
    3. Linked FirstPaediatricAssessment model
    4. Linked EpilepsyContext model
    5. Linked MultiaxialDiagnosis model
    6. Linked Assessment model
    7. Linked Investigations model
    8. Linked Management model

Following the best-practice principle of DRY code, we use FactoryBoy factories to define the creation of Epilepsy12 Case instances, with default values set once, minimising repeated code. Whenever an object is created using the 'top-level' e12_case_factory, all the linked dependency models have generated automatically, with default values that can be overridden.

The file registers fixtures globally to be used in any test without import. Available factories are imported and registered like so:

from epilepsy12.tests.factories import (
    ... # other factories

register(E12CaseFactory)  # => e12_case_factory

When factories are registered this way, their default fixture name becomes the lowercase, under-score version of the class name. In this case, E12CaseFactory's fixture becomes e12_case_factory, which can be used like so:

def test_example(e12_case_factory):

    fully_completed_case = e12_case_factory()

Conservative Database Access

By default, Pytest does not allow database access in its tests.

If you require a test to access the database, mark it with the @pytest.mark.django_db decorator.

Alternatively, you can feed it in as a fixture. However, we only use marks for consistency.

Using E12Factories

As factories have been registered within, whenever a factory is required in a test, pass in the lowercase, under-scored fixture name into the test arguments:

def test_example(

Each E12 model has an associate factory, whose fixtures are namespaced using the e12_LOWERCASE_UNDERSCORE_MODELNAME_factory e.g. pattern:

register(E12AntiEpilepsyMedicineFactory)  # => e12_anti_epilepsy_medicine_factory
register(E12AssessmentFactory)  # => e12_assessment_factory
register(E12CaseFactory)  # => e12_case_factory
register(E12ComorbidityFactory)  # => e12_comborbidity_factory
register(E12EpilepsyContextFactory)  # => e12_epilepsy_context
register(E12EpisodeFactory)  # => e12_episode_factory
register(E12FirstPaediatricAssessmentFactory)  # => e12_first_paediatric_assessment_factory
register(E12ManagementFactory)  # => e12_management_factory
register(E12MultiaxialDiagnosisFactory)  # => e12_multiaxial_diagnosis_factory
register(E12RegistrationFactory)  # => e12_registration_factory
register(E12SiteFactory)  # => e12_site_factory
register(E12SyndromeFactory) # => e12_syndrome_factory
register(E12UserFactory)  # => e12_user_factory


For most test cases, which require multiple different linked models (e.g. a Registration attached to a MultiaxialDiagnosis), you should instantiate starting from the e12_case_factory:

def test_example(
    case = e12_case_factory()

This will create and save a fully-registered and audit-complete Case, accessible using the case variable.

Accessing values and overriding defaults

Default attributes of the Case model can be overridden:

def test_example(
    case = e12_case_factory(
        first_name = "Bob",
        surname = "Dylan",

Dependency factory attributes can be directly overridden, up to 2 dependencies down (the factories directly related to a Registration), using the dunder-format:

def test_example(
    case = e12_case_factory(

        # Case.first_name
        first_name = "Bob",

        # Case.surname
        surname = "Dylan",

        # Registration.registration_date

        # Assessment.childrens_epilepsy_surgical_service_referral_criteria_met WHERE Assessment.registration is linked to this instance

        # Investigations.mri_brain_requested_date WHERE Investigations.registration is linked to this instance

Values can be directly accessed up to 2 dependencies down:

print(case.first_name) # => Bob
print(case.registration) # => Epilepsy12 registration for Bob Dylan on 2023-01-01
print(case.registration.multiaxialdiagnosis) # => Multaxial diagnosis for Bob Dylan
print(case.registration.multiaxialdiagnosis.syndrome_present) # => True

Accessing Multiaxial_Diagnosis attribute

NOTE: to access Multiaxial_Diagnosis in this way, use the lowercased, non-underscored name: multiaxialdiagnosis

These all return Django model objects, which can be used in the classic Django way if further customisation is required for tests:

from epilepsy12.models import (

def test_measure_4_mri_syndromes_ineligible(


    case = e12_case_factory()

    # get registration for the saved case model
    registration = Registration.objects.get(case=case)

    # get syndrome for registration
    current_syndromes = Syndrome.objects.get(



Specific factories contain flags that override multiple values if set True. For example, the E12_Assessment_Factory assigns consultant_paediatrician_referral_made=True by default, with consultant_paediatrician_referral_date and consultant_paediatrician_input_date.

The Assessment.no_referral_consultant_paediatrician=True flag can be used to override this:

def test_testing(

    case = e12_case_factory(

    print(case.registration.assessment.consultant_paediatrician_referral_made) # => False
    print(case.registration.assessment.consultant_paediatrician_referral_date) # => None
    print(case.registration.assessment.consultant_paediatrician_input_date) # => None