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The Key Performance Indicators are listed here

the KPI model stores these indicators as individual fields, together with the help and reference text that is signposted in the template.

class KPI(models.Model, HelpTextMixin):
    Key performance indicator fields.

    The 12 key performance indicators, as specified by RCPCH, are:

    1. Paediatrician with expertise in epilepsies - % of children and young people with epilepsy, with input by a 'consultant paediatrician with expertise in epilepsies' within 2 weeks of initial referral

    2. Epilepsy Specialist Nurse - % of children and young people with epilepsy, with input by epilepsy specialist nurse within the first year of care

    3. Tertiary input - % of children and young people meeting defined criteria for paediatric neurology referral, with input of tertiary care and/or CESS referral within the first year of care

        3b. Epilepsy surgery referral - % of ongoing children and young people meeting defined epilepsy surgery referral criteria with evidence of epilepsy surgery referral

    4. ECG  - % of children and young people with convulsive seizures and epilepsy, with an ECG at first year

    5. MRI   - % of children and young people with defined indications for an MRI, who had timely MRI within 6 weeks of request

    6. Assessment of mental health issues  - %  of children and young people with epilepsy where there is documented evidence that they have been asked about mental health either through clinical screening, or a questionnaire/measure

    7. Mental health support - %  of children and young people with epilepsy and a mental health problem who have evidence of mental health support"

    8. Sodium Valproate - % of all females 12 years and above currently on valproate treatment with annual risk acknowledgement form completed

    9. (a) Comprehensive Care Planning agreement  - % of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there is evidence of a comprehensive care plan that is agreed between the person, their family and/or carers and primary and secondary care providers, and the care plan has been updated where necessary

            9a. Patient held individualised epilepsy document/copy of clinic letter that includes care planning information - % of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months that had an individualised epilepsy document with individualised epilepsy document or a copy clinic letter that includes care planning information

            9b. Patient/carer/parent agreement to the care planning - % of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there was evidence of agreement between the person, their family and/or carers as appropriate

            9c. Care planning has been updated when necessary - % of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there is evidence that the care plan has been updated where necessary

    10. (b) Comprehensive Care Planning content - % of children diagnosed with epilepsy with documented evidence of communication regarding core elements of care planning

            9a. Parental prolonged seizures care plan
                Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy who have been prescribed rescue medication and have evidence of a written prolonged seizures plan.

            9b. Water safety
                Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding water safety.

            9c. First aid
                Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding first aid.

            9d. General participation and risk
                Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding general participation and risk.

            9e. SUDEP
                Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding SUDEP and evidence of a prolonged seizures care plan.

            9f. Service contact details
                Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of being given service contact details.

    11. School Individual Healthcare Plan - % of children and young people with epilepsy aged 4 years and above with evidence of a school individual healthcare plan by 1 year after first paediatric assessment..


    12. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy, with input by a 'consultant paediatrician with expertise in epilepsies' within 2 weeks of initial referral

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people  [diagnosed with epilepsy] at first year AND (who had [input from a paediatrician with expertise in epilepsy] OR a [input from a paediatric neurologist] within 2 weeks of initial referral. (initial referral to mean first paediatric assessment)
    Denominator = Number of and young people [diagnosed with epilepsy] at first year
    paediatrician_with_expertise_in_epilepsies = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "1. Paediatrician with expertise in epilepsies",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy, with input by a 'consultant paediatrician with expertise in epilepsies' within 2 weeks of initial referral",

    13. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy, with input by epilepsy specialist nurse within the first year of care.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator= Number of children and young people [diagnosed with epilepsy] AND who had [input from or referral to an Epilepsy Specialist Nurse] by first year
    Denominator = Number of children and young people [diagnosed with epilepsy] at first year
    epilepsy_specialist_nurse = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "2. Epilepsy Specialist Nurse",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy, with input by epilepsy specialist nurse within the first year of care.",

    14. Percentage of children and young people meeting defined criteria for paediatric neurology referral, with input of tertiary care and/or CESS referral within the first year of care.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children ([less than 3 years old at first assessment] AND [diagnosed with epilepsy] OR (number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy who had [3 or more maintenance AEDS] at first year) OR (Number of children less than 4 years old at first assessment with epilepsy AND (generalised myoclonic seizures OR focal myoclonic seizures))  OR (number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy  who met [CESS criteria] ) AND had [evidence of referral or involvement of a paediatric neurologist] OR [evidence of referral or involvement of CESS]
    Denominator = Number of children [less than 3 years old at first assessment] AND [diagnosed with epilepsy] OR (number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy who had [3 or more maintenance AEDS] at first year )OR (number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy  who met [CESS criteria] OR (Number of children less than 4 years old at first assessment with epilepsy AND  (generalised myoclonic seizures OR focal myoclonic seizures))
    tertiary_input = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "3. Tertiary input",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people meeting defined criteria for paediatric neurology referral, with input of tertiary care and/or CESS referral within the first year of care.",

    3b. Percentage of ongoing children and young people meeting defined epilepsy surgery referral criteria with evidence of epilepsy surgery referral.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy AND met [CESS criteria] at first year AND had [evidence of referral or involvement of CESS]
    Denominator =Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy AND met CESS criteria at first year
    epilepsy_surgery_referral = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "3b. Epilepsy surgery referral",
            "reference": "Percentage of ongoing children and young people meeting defined epilepsy surgery referral criteria with evidence of epilepsy surgery referral.",

    15. Percentage of children and young people with convulsive seizures and epilepsy, with an ECG at first year.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with convulsive episodes at first year AND who have [12 lead ECG obtained]
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with convulsive episodes at first year
    ecg = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "4. ECG",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with convulsive seizures and epilepsy, with an ECG at first year.",

    16. Percentage of children and young people with defined indications for an MRI, who had timely MRI within 6 weeks of request (KPI 5)

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND who are NOT (JME OR JAE OR CAE OR Generalised tonic clonic seizures only OR self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes ~(SELECT)) AND who had an MRI within 6 weeks of referral.
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND who are NOT (JME OR JAE OR CAE OR Generalised tonic clonic seizures only OR self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes ~(SELECT))
    mri = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "5. MRI",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with defined indications for an MRI, who had timely MRI within 6 weeks of request",

    17. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy where there is documented evidence that they have been asked about mental health either through clinical screening, or a questionnaire/measure.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people over 5 years diagnosed with epilepsy AND who had documented evidence of enquiry or screening for their mental health
    Denominator = = Number of children and young people over 5 years diagnosed with epilepsy
    assessment_of_mental_health_issues = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "6. Assessment of mental health issues",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy where there is documented evidence that they have been asked about mental health either through clinical screening, or a questionnaire/measure.",

    18. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy and a mental health problem who have evidence of mental health support

    Calculation Method
    Numerator =  Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy AND had a mental health issue identified AND had evidence of mental health support received
    Denominator= Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy AND had a mental health issue identified
    mental_health_support = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "7. Mental health support",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy and a mental health problem who have evidence of mental health support",

    19. Percentage of all females 12 years and above currently on valproate treatment with annual risk acknowledgement form completed

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of females aged 12 and above diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND on valproate AND annual risk acknowledgement forms completed AND pregnancy prevention programme in place
    Denominator = Number of females aged 12 and above diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND on valproate
    sodium_valproate = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "8. Sodium Valproate",
            "reference": "Percentage of all females 12 years and above currently on valproate treatment with annual risk acknowledgement form completed",

    9A. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there is evidence of a comprehensive care plan that is agreed between the person, their family and/or carers and primary and secondary care providers, and the care plan has been updated where necessary.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND( with an individualised epilepsy document or copy clinic letter that includes care planning information )AND evidence of agreement AND care plan is up to date including elements where appropriate as below 
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    comprehensive_care_planning_agreement = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "9A. Comprehensive care planning agreement",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there is evidence of a comprehensive care plan that is agreed between the person, their family and/or carers and primary and secondary care providers, and the care plan has been updated where necessary.",

    9i. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months that had an individualised epilepsy document with individualised epilepsy document or a copy clinic letter that includes care planning information.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND( with individualised epilepsy document or copy clinic letter that includes care planning information )
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    patient_held_individualised_epilepsy_document = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "i. Patient-held individualised epilepsy document/copy of clinic letter that includes care planning information",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months that had an individualised epilepsy document with individualised epilepsy document or a copy clinic letter that includes care planning information.",

    9ii. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there was evidence of agreement between the person, their family and/or carers as appropriate.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with evidence of agreement
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    patient_carer_parent_agreement_to_the_care_planning = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "ii. Patient/carer/parent agreement to the care planning",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there was evidence of agreement between the person, their family and/or carers as appropriate.",

    9iii. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there is evidence that the care plan has been updated where necessary.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with care plan which is updated where necessary
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    care_planning_has_been_updated_when_necessary = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "iii. Care planning has been updated when necessary",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy after 12 months where there is evidence that the care plan has been updated where necessary.",

    9B. Percentage of children diagnosed with epilepsy with documented evidence of communication regarding core elements of care planning.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND evidence of written prolonged seizures plan if prescribed rescue medication AND evidence of discussion regarding water safety AND first aid AND participation and risk AND service contact details AND SUDEP
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    comprehensive_care_planning_content = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "9B. Comprehensive care planning content",
            "reference": "Percentage of children diagnosed with epilepsy with documented evidence of communication regarding core elements of care planning (items a - f).",

    9i. Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy who have been prescribed rescue medication and have evidence of a written prolonged seizures plan.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND prescribed rescue medication AND evidence of a written prolonged seizures plan 
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND prescribed rescue medication
    parental_prolonged_seizures_care_plan = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "i. Parental prolonged seizures care plan",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy who have been prescribed rescue medication and have evidence of a written prolonged seizures plan.",

    9ii. Water Safety

    Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding water safety.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with evidence of discussion regarding water safety
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    water_safety = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "ii. Water safety",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding water safety.",

    9iii. First Aid

    Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding first aid.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with evidence of discussion regarding first aid
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    first_aid = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "iii. First aid",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding first aid.",

    9iv. General participation and risk

    Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding general participation and risk.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with evidence of discussion regarding general participation and risk
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    general_participation_and_risk = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "iv. General participation and risk",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding general participation and risk.",

    9v. SUDEP

    Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding SUDEP and evidence of a prolonged seizures care plan.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children diagnosed with epilepsy AND had evidence of discussions regarding SUDEP
    Denominator = Number of children diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    sudep = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "v. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of discussion regarding SUDEP (Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy).",

    9vi. Service contact details

    Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of being given service contact details.

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with evidence of discussion of been given service contact details
    Denominator = Number of children and young people diagnosed with epilepsy at first year

    service_contact_details = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "vi. Service contact details",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy with evidence of being given service contact details.",

    20. School Individual Healthcare Plan

    Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy aged 4 years and above with evidence of a school individual healthcare plan by 1 year after first paediatric assessment.  

    Calculation Method
    Numerator = Number of children and young people aged 4 years and above diagnosed with epilepsy at first year AND with evidence of EHCP
    Denominator =Number of children and young people aged 4 years and above diagnosed with epilepsy at first year
    school_individual_healthcare_plan = models.IntegerField(
            "label": "10. School individualised health care plan",
            "reference": "Percentage of children and young people with epilepsy aged 4 years and above with evidence of a school individual healthcare plan by 1 year after first paediatric assessment.",

    organisation = models.ForeignKey(
        "epilepsy12.Organisation", on_delete=models.CASCADE

    parent_trust = models.CharField(max_length=250)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _("KPI ")
        verbose_name_plural = _("KPIs")

    def __str__(self):
        return f"KPI for child in {self.organisation.OrganisationName}({self.parent_trust})"

There is an instance of this model for each registration.


Key performance indicators have 4 states:

  • Failed (0)
  • Passed (1)
  • Ineligible (2)
  • Unscored (None)

An example of an ineligible KPI would be a child with nonconvulsive epilepsy not needing an ECG.

This scoring system allows a child's individual score to be displayed clearly in the template using colours or icons to reflect their adherence to different measures, or for the scores to be aggregated together, for example to show how a give organisation performs against its peers in the same or another region. The results can be tabulated or mapped to show geographical variation, and sequentially against cohort to change over time.

The KPIs are final endpoint of the audit and therefore their accuracy is essential. A full suite of tests is in place to ensure this is true.

Note that the KPIs are only calculated for the currently submitting cohort that have completed a full year of care

The KPIs are aggregated to generate totals and percentages as well as averages across different levels of abstraction - by this is meant, either at organisational level, trust/health board level, or NHS region etc.

They are key part of the reporting dashboard.