Indices of Multiple Deprivation
This is discussed more extensively in the RCPCH Census Platform which returns index of multiple deprivation quantiles against a UK postcode across the devolved nations. Currently Jersey is not supported.
Index of multiple deprivation is dependent on geography, and the underlying assumptions inherent in the index are underpinned with responses in the national censuses. The index is a composite of multiple domains from employment to housing to access to green space. Different countries even within the UK have different domains (though they are similar) and this means that findings in one country cannot be compared with another. There is a discussion of this in more detail in the repository
The country is first broken into areas of similar population size, known as low layer super output areas (LSOAs) and the findings for each measure summarized at this level. The LSOAs are then ranked in order by raw score, with the lower raw scores representing the least deprived. These are then broken into quantiles, depending on the size of the population / reporting priorities. It is typical to report as deciles or quintiles.
The last English data was published in 2019, with Wales the same year.
Jersey has recently been added to Epilepsy12 and is currently not supported by the RCPCH Census Platform. Because the population is small (~100,000), IMD is reported in vingtaines, rather than quintiles or deciles. The actual data is not published and is being requested for inclusion. In Epilepsy12 currently IMD quantiles are therefore not reported.