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Audit Forms

The Epilepsy12 platform has a reactive user interface with RCPCH colours and design elements. Each audit form relates to an aspect of the child's epilepsy journey to be captured in the audit process. The elements are customised and a deliberate decision was to favour toggle buttons (either single or multichoice) that could be selected easily, were unambiguous and provided structured data easy for analysis.

There is an audit form for each model and each follows the same structure:

audit_section.html divides the page into a left side-bar which contains a progress wheel reporting how many fields have been completed, and as series of steps which serve as navigation menu to the different forms that must all be completed prior to submission. They are numbered but do not have to be completed in order. A completed form renders as a pink tile in the steps. A selected tile renders as dark blue. The final tile links to a table of Key Performance Indicators for the care of that individual child.

In the main window, a square segment contains the audit form, and comprises a top-attached header segment with the child's identifiers. The main segment contains the audit_section_form block, which populates with the different forms from the templates/epilepsy12/forms folder. Finally the footer section contains user information guiding.


The steps element described above is updated every time an item in the audit form is scored.

      hx-get='{% url "registration_active" case_id active_template %}'
      hx-trigger='registration_active from:body'

The steps are wrapped in this div which defines a custom htmx-trigger, named registration_active, called from the body element. This HTMX action can be called from any other element and triggers a GET request to the registration_active endpoint, found in

# HTMX generic partials
def registration_active(request, case_id, active_template):
    Call back from GET request in steps partial template
    Triggered also on registration in the audit
    registration = Registration.objects.get(case=case_id)
    audit_progress = registration.audit_progress
    site = Site.objects.filter(
    organisation_id =

    # enable the steps if has just registered
    if audit_progress.registration_complete:
        if active_template == "none":
            active_template = "register"

    context = {
        "audit_progress": audit_progress,
        "active_template": active_template,
        "case_id": case_id,
        "organisation_id": organisation_id,

    return render(
        request=request, template_name="epilepsy12/steps.html", context=context

This function retrieves user progress from the AuditProgress model and passes this to the steps for it to render progress and rerender the steps.html partial with the updated data.