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Organisation View, Staff View and Cohort View

Organisation View, Staff View and Cohort View

Organisation View

When you first log in, you’ll be taken to the Organisation View. Here, you’ll see information about your organisation, the current audit cohort, and real-time summary data for key performance indicator metrics.

Your organisation details are automatically pulled from the Organisation Data Service. If you are an Lead Clinician, you can navigate between the organisations within your Trust/Health Board.

The real-time Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboard is a live report that updates every time a patient’s record is completed. This report allows you to compare your organisation’s performance with your Trust/Health Board, Integrated Care Board (England), NHS Region (England), OPEN UK Region, country, and England & Wales combined.

If you go into the Individual Measures tab, you can see visual comparisons of a single performance indicator across all ICBs, NHS Regions, OPEN UK Regions, and countries.

Staff View

To enter the Staff View, click the ‘View All Epilepsy12 Staff’ button in the Organisation View.

View all Epilepsy12 staff button

Here you will see a list of all the platform user accounts for your Trust/Health Board. You will see each user’s name, email address, role, and organisation. A pink tick indicates that the user is active.

Example user

You can navigate between organisations in the same Trust/Health Board using the dropdown menu.

Organisation dropdown