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Guidance for Clinicians

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Epilepsy12 (The UK collaborative clinical audit of health care for children and young people with suspected epileptic seizures) is a national clinical audit established in 2009 and has the continued aim of helping epilepsy services, and those who commission health services, to measure and improve the quality of care for children and young people with seizures and epilepsies. The audit is overseen by a project board and a dedicated project team within the RCPCH.

You can contact the team at: or on 020 7092 6157/6056. Dr Colin Dunkley, Consultant Paediatrician, is the current clinical lead for Epilepsy12.

Childhood Epilepsy

Epilepsy affects around one in 200 children and young people in the UK (aged 18 and under). The condition is one of the most common significant long-term health conditions of childhood. Epilepsy can have a huge impact on children and families. Epileptic seizures can happen at any part of the brain cortex and what happens depends on where in the brain the seizure is happening. Seizures can be distressing but it's not just the seizures that are the problem. Children and young people may experience issues with learning, behaviour and emotions. That's why children and parents need support and guidance from healthcare professionals throughout the stages of diagnosis and treatment.

Stated Aims of the Audit

  • Continue to measure and improve care and outcomes for children and young people with epilepsies.
  • Include all children and young people with a new onset of epilepsy.
  • Enable continuous patient ascertainment.
  • Use a pragmatic and concise dataset.
  • Incorporate NICE Quality Standards alongside metrics about mental health, education and transition to adult services.
  • Provide services with local real-time patient- and service-level reporting.